LUNARSee - Lunar New Year - Sabian Symbol Report - Feb 11, 2021
LUNAR NEW YEAR Thursday 2/11/2021 Lunar New Year - Year of the Ox Aquarius Energy - (Re)Inventing Consciousness New Moon/Lunar Year...

LunarSee - Sabian Symbols -Full Moon Leo - Jan 28, 2021
Elise Anmchara goes interprets the Sabian Symbols for the last Full Moon of the 2020 (Gregorian calendar) as well as the Lunar Year of...

Why SO SERIOUS?! - Moon Void of Course in Capricorn
The Moon in Capricorn made its conjunction to Pluto before going Void of Course today at 12:22pm EST, bringing severity of thought...

Moon Void in Scorpio REDUX - courtesy of Mercury Rx
This post was originally written for Friday, February 5, 2021. But in TRUE MERCURY RX fashion, it was published to the wrong place on the...