General / Natal / Return Chart Reading
A comprehensive look at who you are, and what you came here to learn.
Service Description
Requires birthday & year, location and accurate birth time. Your natal chart is a look at your cosmic make up. A roadmap written by you, for you, to keep you and your life in its highest vibrational alignment. For first time clients, your natal chart is the basis of self understanding required to make best use of your time here on Earth, as well as the basis on which all additional chart readings, esoteric, mundane, karmic or predictive, are based. For return clients, 1 hour general or solar return readings entails a quick review of most significant natal energies, then an in depth look at current and future sky (transits) to inform you of what is going on currently, and inform as to where/how to direct and focus your energy for maximum results. Consultations conducted over zoom. Reading can be purchased for self, or another person. Please request the service and date. Payment must be made in full to confirm booking. Once a reading date/payment is confirmed, all bookings are subject to a $25 cancellation Fee. Rescheduling services for a different date or time at no cost.

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